Arctic Cooling Accelero Xtreme Plus II. - Box and Bundle

Indice articoli

Box and Bundle


We begin the description of the product, starting as usual from the box and its contents. The product, contained in a blister protection, comes wrapped in a cellophane transparent packaging; it allows quick visual inspection of the heat sink.



The front shows the product name and a sticker that highlights the main features; you can see the product very well and also the three 92mm fans.




On the side of the box we can see the name of the product on one side and a list of features, written in ten different languages, on the other, reproducing the main features.


0x_accelero_boxside 0x_accelero_boxside1



The back of the pack, unlike the front, is rich of information; we find, besides the main features, the technical specifications, the compatibility list, the method of installation and three graphs that compare the temperatures and the noise featured using an NVIDIA GTX 580 with stock heat sink and the Accelero XTREME Plus II.




Let's open the box and gradually extract the components to evaluate the content.



Once removed the actual heat sink we find, in the shelf below, the VR and RAM heat sinks, a 7V/12V power cord, a bag containing screws, washers and spacers, a rear mask, G-1 glue and other accessories.


Below is the table containing all the accessories included in the package, this list is also included in the printed manual, also integrated in the box.

